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Англо-русский словарь - law


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Перевод с английского языка law на русский

I noun
 1) закон; - Mendeleyevs law - law of diminishing return - go beyond the law - keep within the law - in law
 2) leg. право; юриспруденция; to hold good in law - быть юридически обоснованным - law merchant - private law - read law - law and order
 3) профессия юриста; to follow the (или to go in for) law - избрать профессию юриста; - practise law
 4) суд, судебный процесс; to be at law with smb. - быть в тяжбе с кем-л.; to have/take the law of smb. - привлечь кого-л. к суду; to take the law into ones own hands - расправиться без суда - go to law
 5) судейское сословие
 6) (the law) coll. полиция, полицейский
 7) правило; the laws of tennis - правила игры в теннис
 8) sport преимущество, предоставляемое противнику (в состязании и т.п.); fig. передышка; отсрочка; поблажка
 9) attr. законный; юридический; правовой; - law school he is a law unto himself - для него не существует никаких законов, кроме собственного мнения necessity/need knows no law prov. - нужда не знает закона to give (the) law to smb. - навязать кому-л. свою волю Syn: canon, code, commandment, constitution, ordinance, regulation, statute II = lawks
LAW and order правопорядок;
LAW merchant торговое право;
LAW of diminishing return закон убывающего плодородия;
LAW school юридическая школа; юридический факультет
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См. в других словарях

  1. закон law enforcement —- обеспечение правопорядка law digest —- сборник законов или судебных постановлений (решений, приговоров) at law —- в соответствии с правом; по закону; по суду enforcement at law —- принудительное осуществление или взыскание в законном (судебном) порядке in law —- по закону; законно according to law —- в соответствии с законом force of law —- сила закона; законная сила the law of the land —- закон страны to become law —- становиться законом to keep within the law —- не нарушать закона to go beyond the law —- обходить закон to break the law —- нарушить закон to be equal before the law —- быть равными перед законом to enforce the law —- обеспечивать соблюдение закона 2. право; правоведение criminal (penal) law —- уголовное право international law —- международное право international private law —- частное международное право universal international law —- универсальное международное право law of the sea —- юр. морское право space law —- космическое право law of war —- право войны, законы и обычаи войны natural law —- естественное право law of treaties —- право, регулирующее международные договоры law of civil procedure —- гражданско-процессуальное право law of criminal procedure —- уголовно-процессуальное право judge-made law —- право, созданное судьей (основанное на судебной практике) question of...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  закон; правило; принцип – law of acceleration – law of dominance – law of effect – law of independence – law of large numbers – law of minimum – law of nature – law of priority – law of recapitulation – law of relativity – law of segregation – law of small numbers – law of the heart – law of variation – all-or-nothing law – biogenetic law – Dollo's law – error law – exponential law – Haeckel's law – inverse-square law – Liebig's law – Mendel's law – Poisson's law ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) закон 2) право 3) законодательство 4) формула; теорема – law on discoveries – law on inventions – law on rationalization proposals – law of chance – law of copyright – law of imagery – law of large numbers – law of nature – law of procedure – law of substance – adjective patent law – administrative law – antimonopoly law – antipollution law – antitrust law – business law – civil law – commercial law – common law – conservation law – decisional law – design law – draft law – established law – international law – invention law – model patent law – national patent law – patent law – patent agents law – plant patent law – poor law – private law – prohibitory law – public law – statute law – statutory law – substantive law – trademark law – trade secret law – utility model law LAW сущ.; юр. 1) закон by law — по закону, законодательно 2) право 3) суд 4) судебный процесс 5) закон (природы, научный) • - Sunday closing laws - Taft-Hartly law - Wagner's law - according to law - act of the law - action at law - adjective law - administrative law - admiralty law - agreement law - antitrust law - application of law - authority in law - authorized by law - bank law - banking law - bankruptcy law - be at law - be good in law - be governed by the law - become law - blue law - blue sky law - break the law - business law - by act of law - by operation of law - by the law - canon law - case law - civil law - commercial law - common law - company law - comparative law - contract law - contrary to law - control law - copyright law - corporate law - corporation law - criminal law - criminal law of procedure - customs law - disregard of law - domestic law - due process of law - ecclesiastical law - economic laws - enforcement of law - equal protection of the law - evade the law - evade the law - fair trade law - fascist-like law - fiscal law - game law - go beyond...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) закон 2) закономерность 3) правило 4) принцип Ampere's circuital law — закон полного тока associative law of addition — ассоциативный закон сложения associative law of multiplication — ассоциативный закон умножения be c the commutative law — подчиняться коммутативности commutative law of addition — коммутативный закон сложения commutative law of multiplication — коммутативный закон умножения converse law of contraposition — обратный закон контрапозиции converse law of double negation — обратный закон двойного отрицания distributive law of conjunction over disjunction — логика закон дистрибутивности конъюнкции относительно дизъюнкции distributive law of disjunction over conjunction — логика закон дистрибутивности дизъюнкции относительно конъюнкции double law of the mean — вторая теорема о среднем Einstein's law of gravitation — закон тяготения Эйнштейна elementary probability law — матем. плотность распределения вероятностей extended law of large numbers — обобщенный закон больших чисел fifth power law — закон пятой степени, закон Аррениуса find by the law — находить по закону first distributive law — первый закон дистрибутивности first law of mean — первая теорема о среднем fitting by power law — подбор степенной зависимости Galileo's law of inertia — закон инерции general reciprocity law — общий закон взаимности generally convariant law — общековариантный закон...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  закон; правило – absorptive laws – companding law – compression law – cosine emission law – demonstrative law – encoding law – Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction – Lambert's emission law – piecewise-linear encoding law – primitive law – quantization law – segmented-encoding law – Shannon's law – spectral distribution laws – switching laws ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  закон; правило; теорема; уравнение, формула, зависимость law of action and reaction law of areas law of compatibility law of conservation of energy law of dynamics law of elasticity law of equilibrium law of minimum potential energy law of proportionality law of similarity law of statics law of superposition law of virtual displacements law of virtual work Abrams' law conservation law constitutive law Darcy's law fan law health and safety law Hooke's law Maxwell's law of reciprocity parallelogram law plasticity law proportionality law stress-strain law superposition law virtual displacement law virtual work law zoning law ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) закон; правило; принцип 2) формула 3) теорема 4) право - law of action and reaction - law of atmospheres - law of averages - law of combining volumes - law of conservation of energy - law of conservation of mass - law of conservation of momentum - law of constant proportions - law of corresponding states - law of cosines - law of definite proportions - law of degradation of energy - law of dilution - law of electric charges - laws of electrolysis - law of electromagnetic induction - law of electroneutrality - law of electrostatic attraction - law of equilibrium - law of gravitation - law of indices - law of iterated logarithm - law of inertia - law of large numbers - law of least action - law of linear diffusion - law of magnetism - law of mass action - law of mobile equilibrium - law of multiple proportions - law of mutuality of phases - law of osmotic pressure - law of parallelogram - law of partial pressures - law of photochemical action - law of photochemical equivalent - law of probability - law of propagation of errors - law of proportionality - law of radioactive decay - law of rational indices - law of signs - law of similarity - law of sines - law of small numbers - laws of static equilibrium - law of tangents - laws of thermodynamics - law of universal gravitation - law of volumes - A-law - air law - Ampere's circuital law - Ampere's law - antipollution law - antismoke law - associative law - basic Fourier conduction law - Bettis law - binomial law - Biot-Savart law - Boizmann distribution law - Boyle's law - Brewster law - Bronsted catalysis law - capacitance law - Charles' law - Child's law - commutative law - companding law - conservation law - constitutive law - cosine law - cosine emission law - Coulomb's law - Dalton law - deformation law - distribution law - distributive law - encoding law - energy conservation law - energy law - energy-optimal law - environmental protection law - expanding law - exponential law - Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction - Fick diffusion law - first...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a rule enacted or customary in a community and recognized as enjoining or prohibiting certain actions and enforced by the imposition of penalties. b a body of such rules (the law of the land; forbidden under Scots law). 2 the controlling influence of laws; a state of respect for laws (law and order). 3 laws collectively as a social system or subject of study (was reading law). 4 (with defining word) any of the specific branches or applications of law (commercial law; law of contract). 5 binding force or effect (their word is law). 6 (prec. by the) a the legal profession. b colloq. the police. 7 the statute and common law (opp. EQUITY). 8 (in pl.) jurisprudence. 9 a the judicial remedy; litigation. b the lawcourts as providing this (go to law). 10 a rule of action or procedure, e.g. in a game, social context, form of art, etc. 11 a regularity in natural occurrences, esp. as formulated or propounded in particular instances (the laws of nature; the law of gravity; Parkinson's law). 12 a divine commandments as expressed in the Bible or other sources. b (Law of Moses) the precepts of the Pentateuch. Phrases and idioms at (or in) law according to the laws. be a law unto oneself do what one feels is right; disregard custom. go to law take legal action; make use of the lawcourts. law-abiding obedient to the laws. law-abidingness obedience to the laws. law agent (in Scotland) a solicitor. law centre Brit. an independent publicly-funded advisory service on legal matters. Law Lord a member of the House of Lords qualified to perform its legal work. law of diminishing returns see DIMINISH. law of nature = natural law. laws of war the limitations on belligerents' action recognized by civilized nations. law term a period appointed for the sitting of lawcourts. lay down the law be dogmatic or authoritarian. take the law into one's own hands redress a grievance by one's own means, esp. by force. Etymology: OE lagu f. ON lag something 'laid down' or fixed, rel. to LAY(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lagu, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse log ~; akin to Old English licgan to lie — more at lie  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) a binding custom or practice of a community ; a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority  (2) the whole body of such customs, practices, or rules  (3) common ~  b.  (1) the control brought about by the existence or enforcement of such ~  (2) the action of ~s considered as a means of redressing wrongs; also litigation  (3) the agency of or an agent of established ~  c. a rule or order that it is advisable or obligatory to observe  d. something compatible with or enforceable by established ~  e. control, authority  2.  a. often capitalized the revelation of the will of God set forth in the Old Testament  b. capitalized the first part of the Jewish scriptures ; Pentateuch, Torah — see bible table  3. a rule of construction or procedure the ~s of poetry  4. the whole body of ~s relating to one subject  5.  a. the legal profession  b. ~ as a department of knowledge ; jurisprudence  c. legal knowledge  6.  a. a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far as is known is invariable under the given conditions  b. a general relation proved or assumed to hold between mathematical or logical expressions Synonyms:  ~, rule, regulation, precept, statute, ordinance, canon mean a principle governing action or procedure. ~ implies imposition by a sovereign authority and the obligation of obedience on the part of all subject to that authority obey the ~. rule applies to more restricted or specific situations the rules of the game. regulation implies prescription by authority in order to control an organization or system regulations affecting nuclear power plants. precept commonly suggests something advisory and not obligatory communicated typically through teaching the precepts of effective writing. statute implies a ~...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (laws) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The law is a system of rules that a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements, and social relationships. You can also use the law to refer to the people who work in this system. Obscene and threatening phone calls are against the law... They are seeking permission to begin criminal proceedings against him for breaking the law on financing political parties... There must be changes in the law quickly to stop this sort of thing ever happening to anyone else... The book analyses why women kill and how the law treats them. N-SING: the N 2. Law is used to refer to a particular branch of the law, such as criminal law or company law. He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school... Important questions of constitutional law were involved. N-UNCOUNT: usu adj N 3. A law is one of the rules in a system of law which deals with a particular type of agreement, relationship, or crime. ...the country’s liberal political asylum law... The law was passed on a second vote. N-COUNT: oft n N 4. The laws of an organization or activity are its rules, which are used to organize and control it. ...the laws of the Church of England... Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game. = rule N-PLURAL: the N of n, supp N 5. A law is a rule or set of rules for good behaviour which is considered right and important by the majority of people for moral, religious, or emotional reasons. ...inflexible moral laws. = code N-COUNT 6. A law is a natural process in which a particular event or thing always leads to a particular result. The laws of nature are absolute. N-COUNT: with supp 7. A law is a scientific rule that someone has invented to explain a particular natural process. ...the law of gravity. N-COUNT: with supp 8. Law or the law is all the professions which deal with advising people about the law, representing...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »SYSTEM OF RULES« the whole system of rules that citizens of a country or place must obey  (against the law (=illegal))  (Sex discrimination is against the law. | break the law (=do something illegal))  (There were easy profits for businessmen who were prepared to break the law. | against the law (for sb) to do sth)  (It is against the law for children to work before they are fifteen. | become law (=be officially made a law))  (The Criminal Justice Bill became law amidst much controversy. | by law (=according to the law))  (Seatbelts must, by law, be worn by all passengers. | keep/stay/remain/operate within the law (=make sure that what you do is legal))  (They make tough business deals, but are always careful to operate within the law. | tax law/divorce law/libel law etc (=all the laws relating to tax etc))  (a specialist in company law | She's a partner in a major New York law firm.)  (- see also criminal law, law firm) 2 »A RULE« a rule that people in a particular country, city or local area must obey  (Under the new law, any gathering of over people is considered a crime.) + on  (European laws on equal opportunities.) + agains  (There ought to be a law against cutting down trees.) 3 there's no law against (it) spoken used to tell someone who is criticizing you that you are not doing anything wrong 4 »POLICE« the law the police  (I think she may be in trouble with the law. | I'll have the law on you spoken (=used to threaten someone you will call the police))  (Get away from my car or I'll have the law on you!) 5 law and order a situation in which people respect the law, and crime is controlled by the police, the prison system etc  (The soldiers were brought in to restore law and order after the riots.) 6 have the law on your side to be legally right in what you are doing 7 »SPORT« one of the rules that say how a sport should be played  (the laws of football.) 8 »BUSINESS/ART« a way in which things happen in an activity such business or art, which is thought of as a rule because it seems...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Licensed Appropriation Of Wealth U.S. gov. abbr. Legal Act of War mil. abbr. Lightweight Automated Howitzer mil. abbr. Light Anti-Tank Weapon mil. abbr. Legal Act of War airport code Lawton, Oklahoma USA telec. abbr. Local Area Wireless law abbr. Legal Act of War ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. lagu (pl. laga, comb. form lah-), from O.N. log "law," collective pl. of lag "layer, measure, stroke," lit. "something laid down or fixed," from P.Gmc. *lagan "put." Replaced O.E. ж and gesetnes, which had the same sense development as law. Lawsuit is from 1624. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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